Apparently, even in the world of
the wide web, change is the only thing that is constant. And as for Search Engine Optimization the
changes which have been made in the past have made everything better for search
engine users. The newest
SEO strategy nowadays is relevant content in whatever form. It makes sense, in order for search engines
to be an effective “search engine” they should be able to come up with results
that are relevant to what the user is looking for.
This can be a problem for marketers
who create backlinks solely by writing offsite articles. The only problem now
is how to come up with fresh relevant content on the same topic over and
over. You may reach a point when there
is definitely nothing else to say about the matter because hundreds of other
websites have covered the topic. The
solution is quite simple and obvious – make use of other digital assets
available to you.
Search engines find relevance in
other sources of information such as images, videos, blogs, answer forums, etc.
, these other sources of information are called digital assets and optimizing
them gives you more room to expand your backlinks. Take for example the use of images, creating
infographics is another way of presenting the same idea you have exhaustively
discussed in an article. It may have the
same content but because of its presentation, it is considered as something
new. The idea is to make sure your
content is presented in all other digital formats whenever possible.
Digital assets are found as other
search options on the search page of the search engine. Google for example has them all lines up
below the search box as follows:
Web Images Maps
Shopping More (click
on More and you will find …)
Videos News Books Blogs Flights Discussions Recipes Applications
Bing and Yahoo have more or less
the same list of digital assets either lined up vertically on the left side of
the screen or listed below the query box.
whole point is to have visibility whenever possible, let Google find you on
Google Maps, guest blog when you can and answer queries relating to your
product or service or join discussions on related topics. If you are selling food items, create recipes
and post them online. Videos are time consuming and a tad bit expensive but you
can minimize the cost by creating presentations that do not require actors.
bottom line is to be visible and if search engines are able search these
digital formats, they therefore can be optimized to your advantage. For more on
SEO issues and how it can help your site generate traffic, click here.