Tuesday, April 16, 2013

SEO and Website Promotion

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a marketing strategy whose sole purpose is to increase the page rank of a website. A high ranking webpage on a search engine usually equates to higher traffic to the site.  How that traffic converts to sales is up to the web designers and  how the webpage appeals to the audience but that is a different strategy altogether although SEO, Web Design and Web development goes hand in hand.
SEO is associated with keywords, links and content relevance. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo have developed search algorithms that efficiently give its users the most relevant articles, images and videos based on the keyword they have typed in the search box. 

SEO is an effective marketing strategy because it bridges the gap between supplier and consumer. Marketing is aimed at reaching a company’s target market efficiently and effectively and SEO strategy is the best paradigm. The consumer searches for specific information which the search engine provides based on what it thinks is relevant giving the consumer/user a list of suggestions which the consumer may or may not act upon.  Being on the first page of the search engine result page (SERP) means you have higher visibility and therefore have better chances of getting online visitors.  Being on that first page also gives the consumer the idea that your site is one of the most relevant and therefore might be the one they are looking for.

As mentioned before, search engines give out results based on the search algorithm that they use and the rules have grown more sophisticated over the years. Most popular search engines have different algorithms but they all work on the same premise – to give user the best and most relevant results.

Search engines are also on the lookout and they do punish websites that use tricks to increase page rank. Otherwise known as Black Hat SEO, it is basically the practice of hiding or cloaking keywords in images and within the HTML codes as opposed to creating relevant content.  So, make sure that you hire an SEO service that does not resort to this kind of technique. Another trick to look out for is link farms, those have gone obsolete although links are still an important part of the SEO marketing strategy.

The SEO service is effective marketing on a budget which is why it is perfect for small localized businesses although big companies are known to use SEO services as well. It is advisable to hire a local SEO service for a local company, if you are based in Sydney, do give PHRISKWEB a call.